Agent 47 will stalk the streets of Paris, Sapienza, and Marrakesh starting on March 11, 2016, Hitman (opens in new tab) developer IO Interactive announced in a post on its official website (opens in new tab) today. The developer also revealed more about how its live update plan (opens in new tab) will work, including a discounted option for players who aren’t sold on the concept.
The March release will include the three aforementioned locations, six campaign missions, and a total of 800 unique targets that players can creatively doom in their very own shareable Contracts missions. It will also include access to all the live events IO plans to host across those stages throughout the life of Hitman. If that sounds like enough silent assassination for you, you can get it for $34.99 in the Intro Pack.
Or, if you’d rather get the whole package up front, you can pay the standard $59.99 for the full game and beta access on PC and PS4. On top of the Intro Pack’s contents, you’ll get new sandbox stages (a Thailand level arriving in April, the United States in May, and Japan in July), new campaign missions, more Contracts targets, and more weekly live hits and events for the new stages.
If you play the Intro Pack and decide you want more, you can spend $29.99 for the Upgrade Pack, which will unlock all the rest of the content as it rolls out – except beta access, because that will already be done (duh). If you’re more of a visual purchaser, here’s an infographic from IO to help you decide.
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