Halo Infinite actor says game is launching in November 2021

A Halo Infinite actor has leaked a November release date for the upcoming game.

Last week on the Fadam and Friends podcast, which you can see below, actor Verlon Roberts made an appearance to talk about his career. At around the one hour and 10 minute mark, the conversation turns to Halo Infinite, and Roberts comments that “now it’s pushed to later November this year.”

Right now, we don’t have an official release date for Halo Infinite, outside of a Fall 2021 window. Roberts’ comments would appear to narrow that release window down to November, which is actually the month in which Halo Infinite was scheduled to launch, alongside the new Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S, before it was ultimately delayed.

Roberts claims to have access to this information because, as he reveals in the interview, he plays Spartan Griffin in Halo Infinite. The character, who originally featured in the Shadows of Reach novel, hasn’t actually been announced for the upcoming game, so it seems as though Roberts might have revealed a little more than he meant to with these comments.

Elsewhere in the interview, Roberts comments on what it’s like to have worked on Halo Infinite. The actor reveals that he’s provided voiceover and motion capture work for the sequel, complete with all the “standing in a big warehouse covered in dots while wearing spandex” that that entails. Roberts also reveals that he’s done some motion capture scenes with Master Chief’s actor, so we know that the protagonist and Spartan Griffin will share some scenes in the game.

Spartan Griffin isn’t the only character rumored to appear in Halo Infinite. Previously, the Arbiter’s actor teased his character’s return in the forthcoming sequel, so we could be in for a reunion of sorts between the two leads. We’ll have to wait a fair few months more to know who is – and isn’t – returning for sure.

For a complete look at all the games confirmed to be coming to Microsoft’s more powerful console, head over to our upcoming Xbox Series X games guide for more.

About Fox

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