While we may be able to recite Marvel plot lines backward and forward until the superpowered cows come home, not everyone is an expert in comic books. To help rectify that situation before X-Men: Apocalypse (opens in new tab) premieres, 20th Century Fox is producing a series of shorts that give you a quick overview of the film’s mutants. First up, Angel and Storm.
While I enjoyed Angel’s time spent serving Apocalypse in the comics and ’90s cartoon (where he was referred to as “Archangel” for a time), it’s Storm’s video that I appreciate a bit more. Audiences are likely aware of Halle Berry’s time as the white-haired weatherwoman, so it’ll be up to director Bryan Singer and actress Alexandra Shipp to sell movie-goers on this new version. Her featurette does a good job getting me interested, so that’s a start.
Directed by Bryan Singer and starring James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Oscar Isaac, Jennifer Lawrence, Olivia Munn, Tye Sheridan, Alexandra Shipp, Sophie Turner, Rose Byrne, Nicholas Hoult, and Hugh Jackman, X-Men: Apocalypse will be released in UK cinemas on May 18, 2016 before making its way to US theatres on May 27, 2016.
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Images: 20th Century Fox