Gears of War 4 really messed up by not calling a pre-order Dom skin “Dom of the Dead”

Microsoft has detailed Gears of War 4 (opens in new tab)’s pre-order bonuses and all I have to say is … really? Nobody in marketing suggested the vastly superior “Dom of the Dead” over the comparatively plain “Zombie Dom” as the name of the skin pre-order customers unlock in the game’s multiplayer? For shame. At least those who pre-order will also get two gold weapons, Old Man Marcus, and Tomorrow Anya to make up for this wordplay oversight.

While “Old Man Marcus” is pretty straightforward (it’s Gears series hero Marcus but, you know, old) “Tomorrow Anya” is wearing a yellow-and-white ensemble designed to evoke her appearance in the Gears of War 4 TV spot (opens in new tab) (which is also, not-coincidentally, called “Tomorrow”).

Lastly, those who pre-order Gears of War 4 will be granted access to all four of the previously-released Gears of War games: Gears of War (opens in new tab), Gears of War 2 (opens in new tab), Gears of War 3 (opens in new tab), and Gears of War: Judgment (opens in new tab). And since all four are backwards-compatible on Xbox One, you’ll be able to play the whole saga on one box.

Microsoft warns this particular part of the pre-order bonus is limited time only, so if you want those games, you’d better hop to it.

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About Fox

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