Darkest Dungeon 2 Complete Your Confession contract explained

The Darkest Dungeon 2 Complete Your Confession contract is a confusing thing if it hasn’t been explained, a bizarre form put in front of the player before anything else in the game happens. What exactly are you supposed to do, and what does the Denial option mean for you once selected? We’ll explain the Complete Your Confession options in Darkest Dungeon 2 and what you need to do below.

Complete Your Confession in Darkest Dungeon 2 explained

Darkest Dungeon 2 complete your confession

(Image credit: Red Hook Studios)

The Darkest Dungeon 2 Complete Your Confession Contract is actually an esoteric kind of mission select screen. Being more of a roguelike than its predecessor, Darkest Dungeon 2 is about going on long-term journeys across multiple areas in order to find a specific goal or boss fight, so when you choose one of the listed options, you’re committing to a specific objective for that run. 

Unfortunately, at time of writing there’s only one option available, what with Darkest Dungeon 2 being recently released in early access, and that’s Denial. This is the first and only mission quest so far, a path that’ll take your team through roughly half a dozen randomly chosen locations before having a boss fight against an enemy called the Shackled Brain. Once that’s done, the quest will be over and you’ll be sent back to the Complete Your Confession screen (though with a lot more rewards unlocked via Hope/EXP gains).

What to do at Complete Your Confession

Darkest Dungeon 2 complete your confession

(Image credit: Red Hook Studios)

Once you’re at the screen itself, there’s a little user interface bug/quirk that’s throwing some people. After selecting the mission of your choice, you need to click on the little quill/signature line at the bottom of the contract itself to essentially confirm and commit to the quest. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be put back in the Stagecoach to roll out towards whatever horrible enemies are waiting to mutilate and traumatise you. 

Of course, if you want the best chance possible to survive, check out our Darkest Dungeon 2 best team guide, or go through our list of Darkest Dungeon 2 tips that’ll help you live no matter what team you’re working with.

About Fox

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