Capcom has released the first image from its upcoming Ace Attorney movie adaptation (opens in new tab). The sole pic accompanies the launch of a Japanese-language promo site (opens in new tab), with a release date set and the promise of a trailer soon. “But it’s one image! One measly little picture!” Yes, just one picture of a live-action movie, based on a Capcom game, and looking just fine. Do you realize how long that’s taken?
We’ll spare you the litany of woeful joypad-to-celluloid translations afforded to every Capcom franchise so far: you’re reading a videogames website on the Internet, so you know all about how Jean-Claude Van Damme is no Guile and the Resident Evil movies are poor substitutes. Just enjoy this image of Hiroki Narimiya Objection!-ing up a storm while you wait for the trailer, which will launch Nov 5 ahead of the film’s Feb 11 Japanese release. With the international popularity of director Miike Takashi – not to mention Ace Attorney itself – we’d bet English-speaking fans should be assured of a translation not too long after.