The Assassin’s Creed Revelations beta began on Sept. 3 as an exclusive event for PlayStation Plus and PS3-based Uplay members. But as of today, it opened up to all PS3 users in the UK as well. Although the beta will remain open through September 11 (this Sunday), there will be a limited number of downloads available, so grab it soon to sample the game’s multiplayer before the November 15 release date.
The ACR beta grants access to nine characters, which can be customized with a set of abilities, some of which are available initially, with the rest unlockable by leveling up. There are also three maps and four game modes: the brand-new Deathmatch and Artifact Assault modes, as well as the return of Wanted and Manhunt from AC Brotherhood. For more gory details on Revelations’ multiplayer, check out our most recent preview.
Sep 8, 2011