It’s been quite the eventful week in gaming, so why not check out what our sister sites and publications thought of the biggest happenings? There’s loads to choose from, from cringe-worthy chat-up lines readers of ONM would aim at Zelda Williams to Hideo Kojima revealing that Snake really should have kicked the bucket in MGS4. So here’s our pick of the best from around the GamesRadar network:
Official Nintendo Magazine
Feature: Zelda Williams’ worst chat-up lines (opens in new tab)
Super Mario 3D Land review (opens in new tab)
Chrono Trigger: the best RPG of all time
Official PlayStation Magazine
Hideo Kojima: “Snake was supposed to die” (opens in new tab)
How to fix FIFA 12 (opens in new tab)
Skyrim: Are you suffering from lag? (opens in new tab)
PC Gamer
Skyrim mods: The best so far (opens in new tab)
Assassin’s Creed 3 to be set in Egypt (opens in new tab)
Call of Duty Elite not coming to PC? (opens in new tab)
Official Xbox 360 Magazine
Mass Effect 3 multiplayer hands-on (opens in new tab)
Modern Warfare 3 tips: Top eight developer tactics (opens in new tab)
Skyrim: Nine things to do first (opens in new tab)
5 underrated games that deserve sequels (opens in new tab)
Skyrim review (opens in new tab)
The 7/10 review problem (opens in new tab)