A new Pokemon series is seemingly in the works according to Game Freak job listings

Game Freak is currently recruiting for a new Pokemon series as revealed by recent job listings on the Japanese website, Creative Village (opens in new tab). 

The listings were posted on Twitter and Resetera (opens in new tab), revealing that the Studio behind the core Pokemon series is currently hiring 23 positions for a new series in the franchise, with posting for roles such as programmers and designers. While we don’t know if this will be the next entry in the core Pokemon series – since the rough translation of the listing doesn’t appear to make mention of it – it could very well be the next big adventure in the mainline of Pokemon games, following on from Pokemon Sword and Shield (opens in new tab). 

【中途採用】参加者多数のため、6月25日から追加開催!オンライン個別面談&面接会!プログラマ、グラフィックデザイナー、プランナーなど全23ポジション。新しい『ポケットモンスター』シリーズをつくる、コアメンバーを募集中です。▼詳しくはこちらhttps://t.co/BmwCRW0JfQJune 17, 2020

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This comes to light just before the upcoming Pokemon Presents stream (opens in new tab), which is set to give us a good helping of Pokemon news. We don’t yet know what the stream will reveal, but any Pokemon news is usually good news. 

There’s been some speculation that we could potentially see another remake in a similar vein to Pokemon Let’s Go that will bring back one of the older games in the franchise such as Pokemon Gold and Silver. The evidence for this doesn’t go beyond rumours for now, but it doesn’t seem like it would be too far outside the realms of possibility. While it’s highly unlikely that we’ll learn about this particular project, it’s exciting to know that a new series is seemingly in the pipeline. 

If it is the next game in the core series, we can’t help but wonder where the next Pokemon journey will take us. 

Here’s our ranking of the 20 cutest Pokemon (opens in new tab) of all time. 

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