5 times this new Games of Thrones season 7 trailer made us say wait is that…?

You want more new footage from Game of Thrones season 7 (opens in new tab), right? Sure, why not? This sizzle reel of fresh scenes from the upcoming season, featuring Jaime Lannister mid-battle and a whole bunch of ‘wait, what?!’ moments, comes direct from a Thrones live experience attraction in Spain. Because of course it does. Possible spoilers follow…

HBO España have posted a video of what fans of the show (I’m totally calling it Juego de Tronos from now on) saw in an attraction in Spain, with Arya Stark promising them not to tell anyone about this. It’s an apt warning too, as the quick teaser is full to the brim of water-cooler moments that give us more of a peek into the next season than any other released clips to date…

Posted by HBO España on  on Monday, 19 June 2017

Is this our first glimpse at Jim Broadbent’s character?

Check 1:05. Then rub your eyes and check again. It sure looks like Jim Broadbent’s character, an archmaester at the Citadel, complete with flowing robes.

Why is Brienne fighting Pod?

Sure, Brienne has been training Pod to fight – but we’ve been over that plot already. Tyrion rocking up again at King’s Landing might lead to some split loyalties between the pair. Or we’re getting the best 80s-style training montage of all time.

Jaime Lannister leading his men

We know the Lannister with a heart (and hand) of gold is well-versed in battle, but we haven’t seen him on the frontlines proper too often on Thrones. Well, it looks like that’s about to change, what with him charging about on his white steed, followed by a shot of Lannisters and Unsullied clashing (we’ll get to that in a minute).

Dany goes spelunking

Ok… so what’s Dany doing in this cave? We’ve already seen her at Dragonstone and, underneath Dragonstone, there’s supposed to be a large supply of Dragonglass. Chances are Danaerys is having a poke around for that, what with the advancing White Walker army closing in. 

The Lannister army versus the Unsullied

Oh yes. Forget Cleganebowl, this is what I’ve been waiting for it. That is Greyworm holding a knife to someone that is decked out in Lannister armour. It’s definitely a sneaky slicing, so don’t expect all-out war on the streets of King’s Landing just yet, but it’s a step in the right direction (or the wrong one, if you’re a Lannister).

Image: HBO

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