Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania ratings board listing suggests Sega may revive the series

It looks like a new Super Monkey Ball game is on the way, according to an official listing from a government ratings board.

The Australian Classification board formerly had a listing for Super Monkey Ball: Banana Mania, as spotted by Gematsu (opens in new tab). The listing has since been pulled, but the monkey’s out of the barrel now. You could even interpret the listing’s hasty removal once the public got wind of it as further indication that this is a legit project which Sega asked the government of Australia to kindly stop spoiling. Or it could be a fake and Sega asked the government of Australia to kindly stop getting Monkey Ball fans’ hopes up for no reason – we won’t know for sure until we see an official announcement, or at least some more substantial leaks.

Ever since Super Monkey Ball: Banana Blitz HD arrived in 2019 (opens in new tab) (developed by the same Sega studio behind the hard-boiled crime drama Yakuza series because video games), rumors have swirled that Sega will follow it up with an all-new entry in the series. It would be the first since 2014’s Super Monkey Ball Bounce, a mobile exclusive. The Super Monkey Ball series started 13 years before that with an arcade game and 2001 GameCube launch title, and it quickly became one of Sega’s biggest franchises with more than a dozen titles rolling out in the years ahead.

While we wait to find out more about the future of Super Monkey Ball, you can see what we’re already excited about with our guide to the most exciting new games 2021. 

About Fox

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